Draft: Enable Windows 11 Installation on Older Computers


Many users with older computers wish to upgrade to Windows 11, but face compatibility issues.

Problem Statement

Facilitating the installation of Windows 11 on older computer systems.

Solution Overview

The following steps outline a method to bypass certain system requirements during the Windows 11 installation process:

  1. Initiate the Windows 11 installer.
  2. Press SHIFT + F10 to open the command prompt.
  3. Enter regedit and press Enter to open the registry editor.
  4. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup.
  5. Create a new registry key under Setup named LabConfig.
  6. Within LabConfig, create DWORD values named BypassTPMCheck and BypassSecureBootCheck, setting each to 1. If you also want to bypass the RAM requirement, add a DWORD value for BypassRAMCheck.
  7. Close both regedit and the command prompt. You should now be able to proceed with your Windows 11 installation.


  • Allows users with older hardware to access Windows 11 features.
  • Extends the lifespan of older devices.


  • Potential security risks due to bypassing TPM and Secure Boot checks.
  • Performance may not be optimal on older hardware.

Alternatives Considered

  • Upgrading hardware to meet Windows 11 requirements.
  • Sticking with Windows 10 or other operating systems.

Infrequent Use Case

This proposal is primarily beneficial for users with older hardware who wish to use Windows 11.

In Core and Done by Us

This proposal is currently under consideration by the V-Sekai development team.


Status: Draft

Decision Makers

  • V-Sekai Development Team


  • V-Sekai
  • Windows 11
  • Installation

Further Reading

  1. V-Sekai · GitHub - Official GitHub account for the V-Sekai development community.
  2. V-Sekai/v-sekai-game - The GitHub page for the V-Sekai open-source project.
  3. Toms Hardware: bypass-windows-11-tpm-requirement

Assisted by AI assistant Aria.