Draft: Easy Diffusion AI Setup on Linux Systems


  • Status: Proposed
  • Deciders: Development Team
  • Tags: AI, Easy Diffusion, Linux


The goal is to streamline the installation process of Easy Diffusion for creating AI-generated images on Linux systems.


The challenge lies in ensuring a simple and repeatable setup process for installing and configuring Easy Diffusion on various Linux distributions.


  • Assess compatibility between Easy Diffusion and popular Linux distributions.
  • Identify dependencies and prerequisites required for Easy Diffusion.
  • Develop a script or instructions for a hassle-free setup experience.
  • Conduct test installations across different environments.

First, download the latest release of Easy Diffusion for Linux. Then create a dedicated user for running Easy Diffusion and establish a standard location for the tool, like /opt/easy_diffusion.

# As root or using sudo
dnf install curl bzip2 -y
useradd --system --create-home --home-dir /opt/easy_diffusion easy_diffusion_user
mkdir -p /opt/easy_diffusion
curl -L https://github.com/cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui/releases/latest/download/Easy-Diffusion-Linux.zip -o /opt/easy_diffusion/Easy-Diffusion-Linux.zip
unzip /opt/easy_diffusion/Easy-Diffusion-Linux.zip -d /opt/easy_diffusion/

sudo bash -c 'cat > /opt/easy_diffusion/easy-diffusion/config.yaml <<EOF
# Configuration for Easy Diffusion
# Change listen_port if port 9000 is already in use on your system.
# Set listen_to_network to true to make Easy Diffusion accessible on your local network.

  listen_port: 9000
  listen_to_network: true

# Multi GPU setup
render_devices: auto

# Set open_browser_on_start to false to disable opening a new browser tab on each restart.
  open_browser_on_start: false

# Set update_branch to main to use the stable version, or to beta to use the experimental
# beta version.
update_branch: beta

# Set force_save_path to enforce an auto save path. Clients will not be able to change or
# disable auto save when this option is set. Please adapt the path in the examples to your
# needs.
# Windows:
# force_save_path: C:\\Easy Diffusion Images\\
# Linux:
# force_save_path: /data/easy_diffusion_images/
force_save_path: /opt/easy_diffusion/easy_diffusion_images/
chown -R easy_diffusion_user: /opt/easy_diffusion
chmod +x /opt/easy_diffusion/easy-diffusion/start.sh

A systemd service configuration is used to manage the Easy Diffusion process:

sudo bash -c 'cat > /etc/systemd/system/easy-diffusion.service <<EOF
Description=Easy Diffusion AI Image Generation Tool

ExecStart=/bin/bash /opt/easy_diffusion/easy-diffusion/start.sh


Enable and start the service as follows:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable easy-diffusion.service
sudo systemctl start easy-diffusion.service

Check the status to confirm correct operation:

sudo systemctl status easy-diffusion.service

To view detailed logs, use:

journalctl -u easy-diffusion.service


  • Automates the setup process, minimizing user intervention.
  • Offers consistency across different installations.
  • Simplifies management with systemd integration.


  • Requires thorough testing to ensure broad compatibility.
  • Systemd is not universally adopted among all Linux distributions.
  • Additional effort is needed to maintain the service file and update paths as necessary when new versions are released.

Further Reading

  1. Download for Linux: Official source code and documentation.

Aria, an AI assistant, provided support in formulating this proposal.