Draft: Fit Clothing on Humans Without Tearing
- Status: Draft
- Deciders: V-Sekai, Fire, Joe Cat
- Tags: V-Sekai
The challenge is to accurately fit clothing on a 3D human model without causing any tearing in the fabric. The proposed solution involves utilizing machine learning technology that ensures constraints are maintained for vertex faces during the fitting process.
Direct Strategy
Implement the cloth simulation’s pinning functionality to attach the base mesh hull to the clothing hulls. This can be achieved by developing an algorithm that selects optimal vertices based on certain criteria such as distance from the texel or texture similarity.
Leverage machine learning technology to maintain constraints for vertex faces and effectively fit clothing on a 3D model.
Two Hulls Provision: Provide one hull on the base mesh and another on the clothing. The objective here is to first generate the material/clothing and then wrap it onto the character.
The constraint solver used in this process is a cloth simulator that can solve backwards and forwards differentially. This is unique as most physics engines can’t solve backwards for a large number of vertices.
The stitches can be used to piecewise divide the meshse.
class_name HullMesh
var base_mesh: ImporterMesh
var base_mesh_hull: ImporterMesh
var clothing_mesh: ImporterMesh
var clothing_mesh_hull: ImporterMesh
func _init(base_mesh: ImporterMesh, base_mesh_hull: ImporterMesh, clothing_mesh: ImporterMesh, clothing_mesh_hull: ImporterMesh):
self.base_mesh = base_mesh
self.base_mesh_hull = base_mesh_hull
self.clothing_mesh = clothing_mesh
self.clothing_mesh_hull = clothing_mesh_hull
func mesh_wrap(source: HullMesh, target: HullMesh) -> ImporterMesh:
Wraps two clothing mesh hulls around two base mesh hulls.
- source: The source HullMesh instance.
- target: The target HullMesh instance.
A new Mesh instance representing the base mesh hulls with the clothing mesh hulls wrapped around them.
## Alternatives
To be determined.
## Rare Use Cases
To be determined.
## Core Functionality?
To be determined.
## Further Reading
1. [V-Sekai · GitHub](https://github.com/v-sekai) - Official GitHub account for the V-Sekai development community focusing on social VR functionality for the Godot Engine
2. [V-Sekai/v-sekai-game](https://github.com/v-sekai/v-sekai-game) - GitHub page for the V-Sekai open-source project bringing social VR/VRSNS/metaverse components to the Godot Engine
_This article was assisted by Aria, an AI assistant._