Draft: Enhancing V-Sekai Through Effective Documentation
- Status: Draft
- Deciders: V-Sekai
- Tags: V-Sekai
The Backdrop
Lyuma, a member of the V-Sekai team, recently attended the Godot Engine Munich 2023 conference. Three key takeaways from the event were the importance of friendship, Gemütlichkeit (a German term for a state of warmth, friendliness, and good cheer), and the critical role of documentation.
The Challenge
One of the challenges faced by V-Sekai is ensuring that all processes and systems are well-documented. This is crucial for maintaining consistency, facilitating knowledge transfer, and enabling efficient problem-solving.
The Strategy
To overcome this challenge, the strategy is to prioritize documentation in all projects. This involves creating comprehensive guides, manuals, and references that detail how different systems work and how to use them effectively.
The Upside
The upside of this approach is that it can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the team. With proper documentation, team members can quickly understand and navigate different systems, reducing the time spent on troubleshooting and problem-solving.
The Downside
The downside is that creating and maintaining documentation can be time-consuming. However, the benefits of having well-documented systems far outweigh the costs.
The Road Not Taken
An alternative approach could have been to rely on informal knowledge transfer methods, such as one-on-one training or mentoring. However, this approach lacks the consistency and scalability of formal documentation.
The Infrequent Use Case
In cases where systems or processes are rarely used or subject to frequent changes, maintaining up-to-date documentation might be challenging. In such scenarios, a combination of documentation and hands-on training might be more effective.
In Core and Done by Us?
The decision to prioritize documentation is proposed by V-Sekai.
Further Reading
This article was assisted by Aria, an AI.