Draft: DreamCraft3D - A Hierarchical 3D Content Generation Method
- Status: Proposed
- Deciders: V-Sekai, fire, Joseph Cat
- Tags: V-Sekai, VRM, Rigging, 3D Modeling, DreamCraft3D
DreamCraft3D is a hierarchical 3D content generation method that produces high-fidelity and coherent 3D objects. It uses a 2D reference image to guide the stages of geometry sculpting and texture boosting.
The main challenge lies in addressing the consistency issue that existing works encounter. To sculpt geometries that render coherently, DreamCraft3D performs score distillation sampling via a view-dependent diffusion model.
The strategy for implementing DreamCraft3D involves several steps:
- Use DreamCraft3D to generate high-fidelity and coherent 3D objects from 2D concept art.
- Utilize existing projects like Mixamo or AccuRig for rigging models.
- If the topology isn’t suitable for animation, employ tools such as Quadwild BIMDF or Exoside’s Quad Remesher to enhance it.
- Correct bad rigs using delta mush with the help of the Corrective Smooth Baker addon for Blender.
- Develop software to perform clothing simulation differentially, referring to V-Sekai’s Cloth Dynamics as a guide.
DreamCraft3D, with its tailored 3D priors throughout the hierarchical generation, can generate coherent 3D objects with photorealistic renderings. This advances the state-of-the-art in 3D content generation.
The process of converting 2D concept art into a rigged 3D model can be complex and time-consuming. It also requires expertise in 3D modeling and rigging.
An alternative approach could have been to manually create and rig the 3D models. However, this would be even more time-consuming and require even more expertise.
Infrequent Use Case
If the feature is used infrequently, it may not justify the time and resources spent on developing it.
This project aligns with our core expertise in VR technologies and 3D modeling. Therefore, it can be done by us.
For further reading, please refer to:
- V-Sekai GitHub Repository
- DreamCraft3D Code
- AI assists this article.