Draft: V-Sekai Bone Hierarchy Conversion


  • Status: Draft
  • Deciders: V-Sekai, fire
  • Tags: V-Sekai, AI Assisted


V-Sekai has a problem with its bone hierarchy conversion. This causes issues with Alicia’s hips-spine angle.


We suggest a new conversion method. It keeps the original bone hierarchy and translates bone names from Japanese to English. This avoids problems caused by changing the hierarchy.


  1. Original hierarchy (Japanese names):

    Center (センター)
    ├ UpperBody (上半身)
    └ LowerBody (下半身)
  2. New method, same hierarchy, translated names:

    Center (Hips)
    ├ UpperBody (Spine)
    └ LowerBody (Legs)
  3. After the second conversion, the hierarchy changes:

    Hips (LowerBody)
    └ Spine (UpperBody)

This solution keeps the right hips-spine angle for Alicia.

Good Outcomes

  • Keeps the original bone hierarchy, avoiding animation issues.
  • Translates bone names to English, helping non-Japanese speakers.

Bad Outcomes

  • Might need more time to create the new method.

Other Options

  • Changing the hierarchy during conversion caused the problem.

Can it be fixed with a script?

No, this needs a new method in the bone hierarchy conversion process.

Should we do it?

Yes, it affects character animations and user experience with V-Sekai models.
