V-Sekai Deck Log - 2025-02-03

(Locked as of 2025-02-03)

1. Date: 2025-02-03
2. Project Status - Team Activity:

  • Active Contributors: 5 (Astral Druid, Fire, iffn, Lyuma, dragonhunt02).
    • Astral Druid: Coordination + art development.
    • iffn: Art collaboration (Unity prototype demo: trees, ship environment).
    • Lyuma: Actively resolving VR UI Ray Casting blocker + drafting work requests.
    • Fire/dragonhunt02: CI/CD pipeline maintenance + prototyping object mechanics.

3. Technical Updates:

  • Codebase Health:
    • CI/CD automation (Godot Engine updates + GitHub releases) fully operational.
    • Code contributions paused except for Lyuma’s VR UI work.

4. Blockers:

  • Resolved: Content Whitelisting (Lyuma).
  • 🛑 Active: VR UI Ray Casting (Lyuma).

5. Planned Work:

  • Astral/Lyuma: Finalize “request for work” document.
  • iFire: Implement object add/delete/vote via player controller (scruffed prototype).

6. Leadership Decisions:

  • Redirect non-critical resources to art/coordination until VR UI unblocked.

Use this log for stakeholder updates or as a reference for future sprints!